Monday, December 7, 2015
Relativism Philosophy Discussion
We were honored to have student philosopher Zenon Lys lead a discussion on Relativism. He presented info from three supporter philosophers and three dissenter philosophers. His discussion questions can be seen in his presentation by clicking here.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Origins of Antisemitism and Recent Rise in Europe
Emily Sample from the Holocaust Museum Houston returned to our classroom with her colleague Michelle Tovar to present the background of Antisemitism and how it is currently manifesting itself in Europe. We also discussed how similar sentiments are also on display with other groups in events happening today. When you have a chance, visit the HMH and attend events. You can access the HMH website here.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Women's Self-Defense Tips
Associate Professor Tim Mousel came to present to our ALL group on Tuesday, November 17th. Unfortunately, due to the bad weather, there were few in attendance. However, Tim did give me his handout that he was going to review on Women's Self-Defense Tips. To see his handout click here.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Off the Beaten Path in Brooklyn and Manhattan
Sharon and Marty Samson shared their travels through Brooklyn and Manhattan to visit their son. The trip was packed with visits to interesting places that are overlooked by many tourists. Sites include Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, High Line Park, "love locks" on the Brooklyn Bridge, Green-Wood Cemetery and a Russian jazz band. To view pictures of their trip click here.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Moo Shu Chicken & Vegetables
member, Lou Master, gave us another lesson in the use of a wok. He prepared an
American version of Moo Shu Chicken and Vegetables. It contained shredded
chicken (from a roast chicken), broccolini, sliced snow peas, shredded carrots
and cabbage cooked with hoisin sauce. This was served in Chinese pancakes with
more hoisin sauce. Small servings of hot and sour soup and egg drop soup were
also served. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the class. For the recipe - click here.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Computing through the Ages
Oh boy, the memories for those of us who had careers in the technical fields. Norm Eisenberg brought us through the evolution of the computer, from the huge tabulators of yesterday to computers of today. We also had fun discussing what tomorrow might bring.
To see Norm's presentation, click here.
To see Norm's presentation, click here.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Moral Responsibility
Today Philosophy Professor Grady Watts presented a thought provoking class on Moral Responsibility. He introduced us to current day philosopher Sarah Buss. The discussion hinged on a person's reasoning vs emotions and how they affect the view of moral responsibility. To view the professor's presentation, click here.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Sleep Apnea & CPAP
Diaz of SleepMed Therapy Services presented a program on Sleep Apnea and the
use of CPAP as treatment. Dr. Adrian Santamaria, specializing in neurology and
sleep medicine also joined us to give more technical information about the
causes of Sleep Apnea. Sleep apnea is a common
disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths
while you sleep. As a result, the quality of your sleep is poor, which makes
you tired during the day. Sleep apnea is a leading cause of excessive daytime
sleepiness. The most effective treatment is the use of a CPAP Machine.
To learn more click on the presentation below.
Presentation – click here
Friday, October 30, 2015
Geocaching - Digital Treasure Hunt
Cheryl LeJune talked abut what Geocaching is and how to get started. After the introduction, class members set out for a walk around campus looking for various types of caches Cheryl had hidden for the class. Fun way to take a walk outside, despite a little rain.
To see presentation, click here.
Additional information can be found at
To see presentation, click here.
Additional information can be found at
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Paper Quilling
Quilling is a beautiful form of paper art. Stephanie Rubeck and Betty Gillespie led a two-part class on this fun craft. The first class concentrated on learning the basic quilling shapes. The second class showed participants how to combine these shapes into lovely creations from cards to pictures. Check out the following links to learn more. Also make note that there will be another quilling class in the Spring Semester for those who already have the basic skills.
Quilling Shapes Tutorial - click here
Quilling Chart - click here
Websites for Ideas on Quilling Art - click here
Quilling Shapes Tutorial - click here
Quilling Chart - click here
Websites for Ideas on Quilling Art - click here
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Dealing with Grief and Loss
Jimmie Adams led us through a heartfelt discussion of grief and loss. What does grief and loss mean to you? People are different from each other and how they cope varies from person to person as well.
To see Jimmie's presentation, click here.
To see Jimmie's presentation, click here.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Genealogy Research
Michelle Christie, avid
genealogy researcher, gave several great classes showing us various websites
to search when working on genealogy. The participants in this class were full
of questions about where to start and what steps to take. To see some of the
many tips Michelle presented, review her PowerPoint presentation and handout sheets
PowerPoint Presentation –
click here
Websites for Genealogy Searches - click here
Genealogy Sites for Foreign Countries - click here
Vital Records Online - click here
Tips for Finding Records in Germany - click here
Common German Words Found in German Documents - click here
British Census Records - click here
State Hood Dates - click here
FamilySearch Records - click here
Genealogy Websites by State, October 20, 2015
Proactive Health Care Choices
Steven Spidell, Staff Chaplin at Houston Methodist San
Jacinto Hospital, gave a thought provoking presentation on the need to take a
proactive involvement in having discussions with loved ones, sooner rather than
later, about your desires for end of life decisions. There were a lot of
questions and answers posed in the class.
Presentation - click here
Websites to Visit - www.theconversationproject.orgMaintaining Healthy Joints
The importance of maintaining healthy joints, especially as
we get older cannot be over emphasized. Tim
Janek, Jr. and Tim Janek, Sr. from Paths in Healing started the presentation by
sharing their backgrounds. They then showed us how improved posture leads to
improved breathing. Proper breathing is necessary to get oxygen into our blood
stream which then feeds our muscles, tendons and organs. Healthy joints are
necessary for good movement and balance. Tim will be back in November to
further discuss posture.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Climate Change in Human History
Nathalie Brandes, Prof of Geosciences at LSC-Montgomery, was back with another great presentation. What can the geological records tell us about climate change during our human history? Nathalie led us through some of the available information.
Please click here to see her presentation.
Please click here to see her presentation.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Trust Accounts: What? Where? When?
Where did the time go? There is so much to learn and talk about with regard to trusts. Russ Newton, from Wells Fargo, gave a very informative overview of trusts and answered our many questions. Still a lot more to cover, so Russ will be back in the Spring.
To see his handout from class, click here.
To see his handout from class, click here.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Daughters of the American Revolution
Melinda Sims gave a great
presentation on the Daughters of the American Revolution. The DAR is a
lineage-based membership service organization for women who are directly
descended from a person involved in United States’ independence. Members of this
non-profit group work to promote historic preservation, education and
Presentation – click here
Presentation – click here
Monday, September 28, 2015
Jambalaya Cooking Class
If you missed the Jambalaya cooking class you missed a real treat. Lou Master (Chef Louie) demonstrated his favorite recipe for Jambalaya. His recipe actually makes 36 servings, but it it easy to cut the ingredients down to serve fewer people. The class enjoyed a lively discussion of how Jambalaya is made and then had hearty servings of the final product. To find the recipe, click here.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Rummikub for Senior Adults
Come join the fun of playing Rummikub with the ALL group members. Even if you did not join the learning class on September 21st, you can learn how to play Rummikub by just coming to play. New players are always welcomed. The group plays each Thursday afternoon from 2:00-4:00 in the Lone Star College cafeteria. The group will be led by Fred Teoh and he has modified the rules to make it easier for senior adults to play. To review Fred's modified rules click here.
Introduction to ALL
Welcome A.L.L. members, new and returning, as we kick off the new school year with an introduction to A.L.L. and the LSC-CyFair campus. There is so much to do and see with A.L.L, the college and the public library. Attendees were given a tour of the campus highlights by the college's Student Ambassadors.
See the presentation here.
See the presentation here.
Friday, May 8, 2015
End of Semester Party May 2015
If you missed the end of the semester party May 8th, 2015, you missed a great event. There were lots of people and an abundance of food. The ALL classes are out for the summer but will begin again in the Fall. Registration is scheduled for Saturday, September 19th, 2015, 10:00-Noon. Be sure to mark your calendar to attend Registration and sign up for classes and events in the Fall.
Lou Master brought a wonderful cake to the party and has shared the recipe - click here. If other people want to share recipes, contact Sarah Walter at
Lou Master brought a wonderful cake to the party and has shared the recipe - click here. If other people want to share recipes, contact Sarah Walter at
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Cruising the Seine & Paris
Skip and Linda Brinz shared their travel adventure of cruising the Seine River in France and their additional week long stay in Paris. The classroom was full of interested members for this armchair trip. Their tour include several beautiful villages, the museums and beaches of WWI and WWII and of course Paris "The City of Light". To view the presentation, click here.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
First Ladies of America
Professor Heidi Jo Green gave us a wonderful presentation on the First Ladies of America. We all studied the Presidents while in school, but didn't get much information about the First Ladies. She shed light on the "woman behind the man" and their role as wives. This was a very lively discussion and our members expressed great interest in learning more. To review the presentation click here. Professor Green also gave us a reading list if members want to read more in-depth on the First Ladies, click here. Also of interest may be the Library of Congress List of Presidents, First Ladies and Vice Presidents at
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Stamp Collecting & Postal History
Jonathan Topper, of Topper Stamps and Postal History, gave a
very informative presentation not only on stamp collecting but about the
history of the postal service. He covered the period of time from the early
1800’s to the present. He addressed the evolution of this important service in
terms of who paid for mailing letters and eventually packages, how stamps came
into being and the history that can be found in the cover’s (envelopes) and the
letters that they contained. We will try to have Jonathan back next spring to
give another presentation for those that missed this class.
Topper Stamps & Postal History
Jonathan Topper
11210 Steeplecrest Dr., Suite 120
Houston, TX 77065
Near Sam Houston Tollway and Hwy 290
Office Hours: By Appointment Only, Monday-Friday
Nobel Peace Prize 2014
Professor Sophia Mrouri, Professor of Political Science, gave us a great program on the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014. The two winners for 2014 were Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and their right to education for all children. To view her presentation, click here.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Moroccan Kefta Tagine
Professor Sophia Mrouri shared some of her adopted Moroccan culture with us this morning by making a Moroccan Kefta Tagine. This is a wonderful dish with small meatballs in a flavorful tomato sauce. To see the recipe, click here.
Friday, April 17, 2015
What Makes Happy People Happy
Dr. Nicholas Spezza led a lively discussion on What Makes Happy People Happy. He credits Jacob Sokol with organizing 12 attributes of Happy People. The group members expressed their ideas and experiences on this interesting subject. To review the discussion topics click here.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Blending of Cultures - The Asian Connection
We had a wonderful class this morning with Rick and Catherine LeBlanc. Their son, who lives in Singapore, recently married a lady who's heritage is from India. The LeBlanc family was able to visit both Singapore and parts of India. There was in-depth discussion about both cultures. Rick showed us some of the pictures from the wedding that were wonderful expressions of the colorful nature of India. To view the pictures, click here.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Mushroom Tortellini Soup with Creamed Corn Bread
Chef Louie pleased the crowd as again. This time he made Mushroom Tortellini Soup with a side of Creamed Corn Bread. Both were yummy and easy to make. Lou prefers to use the "Baby Bella" mushrooms in the soup for more flavor. Be sure to have all ingredients prepared and standing by as you make the soup....then it's 1,2,3 and simmer until it is soup. For the recipes click here.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
A Tour of Scotland
Nathalie Brandes, LSC-Montgomery Professor of Geosciences, took us on another great trip through the country of Scotland. We learned about the country's geological formations, some interesting archeology and history. Nathalie also shared places to visit off the beaten path.
To view her presentation, click here.
To view her presentation, click here.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Colored Pencil Theory and Techniques
Marianna Wood is an ALL member who loves drawing with colored pencils. We are lucky that she shared her experiences with us in a class. To understand color theory you must first know the color spectrum. The first exercise in this class was to learn the difference in warm and cool colors, the density of coloring and how colors are changed by blending and whitening each primary color. Students are to return the second week with a colored chart of 144 color variations using reds, yellows and greens. To see the chart she provided the students click here.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Amazing Folding Photo Album
Mary Ellen Walsh was with us today showing us how to make the Amazing Folding Photo Album. This is a fun project that can be used to make photo albums for yourself, family and friends. These make wonderful gifts for any occasion. To see instructions: click here. Additional info, through experience the teacher prefers to make the covers first, then make the inside sheets.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Identify, Detect and Eliminate Toxins
We live in a toxic world. Since the Industrial Age, humans have been "making things better?", but the reality is that we have been getting further away from the natural world. Donna Fry, Naturopath, spoke with us today about how our bodies react the many toxins we encounter daily. For a personal consultation, contact Donna view her business card, click here. Her website address is
Asian Chicken Cooking Class
The ALL group at LSC CyFair campus had another great cooking lesson from Chef Louie (Lou Master). This morning he showed us how to cook Asian Chicken. You can use shrimp in the recipe if you prefer a seafood dish. If you don't own a wok, now may be a good time to invest in one. To see the recipe, click here.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Genealogy - Getting & Staying Organized
Michelle Christie offered to give us an extra genealogy class titled Getting and Staying Organized. If you have started your genealogy research you know how much paperwork is involved and how you can get distracted by items not in your direct line. Michelle shared her system of using binders and forms to get the information and documents organized. To review her presentation, click here. Research List - click here. Research Log - click here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Skip Brinz led a lively discussion on the baseball greats of the past. He shared pictures of his trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY.....and other stadiums including Yankee Stadium and the Philadelphia Phillies Ballpark. To review his presentation click here.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Barney Fife No More - Intro to Firearms
Cheryl LeJune, ALL member and TPWD volunteer instructor, presented some basic information regarding firearms and safety. The class helped replace people's curiosity and fears by giving them knowledge and understanding. We learned the different types of firearms and safe handling, storage and safety. To view the presentation, click here.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Walking the Red Road
Bret G. Hall shared his road of rediscovery. Bret spent many years in the corporate world but always felt that there should be more to his life. He eventually returned to his life's love of "drawing". He then combined that love of drawing with a love of the life of American Indians. This culminated in his gallery featuring drawings of noble American Indians. To review his presentation, click here. You may also view his website
Monday, February 23, 2015
Healthy Eating
Lindy Pfingsten and Cheryl Stitt, from the Langham Creek YMCA, gave us an informative presentation about Healthy Eating. The presentation included tips for keeping a food log, grocery shopping, how to stay full longer and nutrition facts. To view the presentation, click here.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Asymmetric Conflict
Associate Professor Political Science Milosz Kurcharski gave a presentation that explored how weak countries are able to prevail when fighting more powerful opponents. To review his presentation click here.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Mining in the Ancient World

Thursday, January 29, 2015
Renewing Your Mind

To see a description of the Afirmation Cards, click here.
To visit Kathryn's website, click here.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Salads Serve as a Meal
Judy Ridenour demonstrated how to make two salads that serve as the full meal. People attending this cooking demonstration certainly enjoyed the salads she demonstrated. Click below to see her recipes.
Salad Recipes - click here.
Salad Recipes - click here.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Barging in Burgundy

To see the presentation, click here.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
All About Urban Wildlife Rehab

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Choosing the Right Senior Living Environment

To see Donna's class presentation, click here. To ask any questions or get more information, you can go to Donna's website here.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Fit for ALL

To view the walking/jogging paths around campus, click here.
Intro to ALL and CyFair Campus
See the class presentation here.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Advisory Board Minutes - January 2015
January is here and the Spring Semester classes are starting. Be sure to become active in the classes and events scheduled for this semester. Remember that there is a lot of work behind-the-scenes and we need volunteers to contribute by working with various committees. If you would like to get more involved, please contact the CE Continuing Education office....they will then get put you in touch with the committees that need assistance.
You can view the minutes from January by clicking here.
You can view the minutes from January by clicking here.
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