Hope you said "goodbye" to our old Mod 2 classroom because it is being dismantled.
In the Fall Semester our new classroom location will be HSC 106. This is the room "next to the kitchen" in the
Health Science Building. The closest parking will be in the North Parking Lot near the short wrought iron fence surrounding the kid's playground. Enter the side door of the building and the room is just a couple of doors down. This is much closer to the parking lot than our old room....so let's say "thanks" to the administration for making our walk shorter.
We plan on having a "make-up" class for the Records Class that was cancelled on June 30th. Mark your calendar to meet in the Kitchen (HSC 105) from 1:30-3:30, Tuesday afternoon August 16th. We will use this class to learn how to turn old record albums into cute bowls and platters that we plan to use for our Fall Fling party.
July Advisory Committee Minutes-
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