We had a very interesting discussion with Mike Naglieri, Fire Safety Chair at LSC-CyFair, regarding safety for seniors. We covered both fire and ambulance calls during our discussion. Some of the takeaways include:
- The two most common incidents for seniors are falls and kitchen fires.
- Have a smoke detector in each bedroom, hallway and in the kitchen.
- Smoke kills most people, not fire.
- Stop, drop and roll if on fire. Hug the ground when trying to exit house.
- In case of fire with grandkids in the house - if on the second floor and can't get out, open/break window and throw out toys so fire fighters will know someone is there.
- Practice EDITH - Exit Drills In The Home and pick a place to meet (mailbox, front yard, etc.)
- Keep a fire extinguisher, type ABC, in kitchen near door, not near stove.
- Please don't use candles.