Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Purple Martin Landlord

Richard Edie of Wild Birds Unlimited gave us a great presentation on what it takes to be a Purple Martin landlord.  With Houston being a major breeding are for the birds, it's up to us to help provide appropriate nest sites.

To see Richard's presentation click here.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Intro to ALL and CyFair Campus

Welcome ALL members, new and returning, as we kick off the Spring 2016 semester with an introduction to the ALL program and the LSC-CyFair campus.  There is so much to do and see with ALL, the college and the public library.  Attendees were given a tour of the campus highlights by the college's Student Ambassadors.

To see the presentation, click here.


ALL member Marianna Wood introduced the class to a meditative drawing technique, aptly named Zentangle. Drawing out the artist within each of us, the main principle of this technique is - there are no mistakes in Zentangle. Let the creativity flow with just pen and paper.

To the right, is a finished assembly of Tangles, by ALL member R.J. Eckhardt.   The top of the grid is "favorites" and the down side, "least favorite". This grid is a great way to practice before we meet again at some, as yet, undetermined time.