Monday, December 10, 2012

Staging Your Home for Sale

Have you tried to sell a house lately?  It has become more difficult to sell a house for the price you want.  Many people have turned to "staging" in order to make their house more attractive to potential buyers. Home staging is the act of preparing a property for sale.  The goal of staging is to make the home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers and in turn lead to a greater selling price.  Suzanne Davis, owner of "Signs of Design", shared some great tips and pictures showing how staging a property improves (shortens) time on the market. The goal is to sell a property for the highest price in the shortest period of time.  Check out Suzanne's handout and her web videos.
Signs of Designs Handout - Click Here
Suzanne's web videos -
Suzanne's Business Card - Click Here